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Office Hours
A weekly meeting with Call Theory and fellow customers to learn, ask questions, and network over general IT, call center, and Amtelco topics.
- Tuesday, 9/10 @ 3pm Eastern
- Zoom Link and additional information
- Topics - Soliciting feedback on call center billing integrations
Scripting Sessions
A weekly meeting to train Amtelco Intelligent Series scripting topics from Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced topics on a repeating schedule.
- Thursday, 9/12 @ 12pm Eastern
- Zoom Link and additional information
- Topics - Advanced I, II, III Review & Assessment
Misc. Updates
Here's a list of a few updates from this past week:
- IS Messenger: Does anyone use this product? The feedback I've heard has been to avoid it unless it free.
- Billing & Statistics: My What do you want next? post garnered ~92% support for creating a billing integration. Winner winner, chicken dinner.
- Videos are coming! I'm testing the video player integration with that will power the IS programming training experience.
- Required 2FA is coming! I've offered and prominently displayed 2FA status on the Call Theory account dashboard since it's inception, but it's time to make it fully required (and not opt-in.)
We are also adding TOTP support (app authenticators) and WebAuthN login (passkeys) to augment your options beyond just Authy for 2fa.

IS Training Thoughts
The biggest issue I've had with the weekly IS Training (Scripting Sessions) is that it's been fairly empty.
It's better when I send a reminder email like this one.
With the pending addition of video training courses directly on our website, I think we'll be able to treat the weekly sessions as troubleshooting instead of training (this also scales my time much more functionally.)
Essentially, you can watch the videos and training on your own time, then come to the weekly troubleshooting session for help with a script, issue, or technique related to IS programming.
We can fall back to the assessments if nobody has anything they need help with, or any topic that a customer asks me to cover (like a specific API integration.)
This makes the Scripting Sessions more relevant from week-to-week as any skill-level can still make use of the time (i.e., if you're advanced, why would you ever show up for the basic/intermediate again? but if it's general troubleshooting where you can get expert help every week...that's immensely more helpful.)
Something to think about. If you think this is a bad idea, hit reply and let me know or start showing up to the Thursday training class. (You can also wait to see if the videos scratch your training itch first.)