Running A Database Query

What are your database retention settings?

Running A Database Query
Photo by benjamin lehman / Unsplash

Before we begin, here's what's happening this week (also, a new email format):

Office Hours

A weekly meeting with Call Theory and fellow customers to learn, ask questions, and network over general IT, call center, and Amtelco topics.

Scripting Sessions

A weekly meeting to train Amtelco Intelligent Series scripting topics from Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced topics on a repeating schedule.

Next week, both office hours and scripting sessions are cancelled (planned.) Many of you will be attending NAEO Summer Series training in Milwaukee, while Call Theory is heading to Las Vegas for DEFCON 32.

Need help with summer series?

Not sure you've got everything ready for next week? Bring your setup to this week's office hours and we'll help you figure out what steps you still need.

We can help you with things like:

  • IS Supervisor access and setup
  • Establishing or setting up remote connectivity to your office
  • Install SQL and/or SQL Management Studio and a test databases
  • Figure out if you need permissions for scripting or SQL

For sites we don't manage, we can still walk you through everything you need to take back to your IT team to be ready!

Advanced Users: We can even help setting up a local IS server so you don't need remote connection to your office - and you can't burn down your production environment (as easily!)

My Database Query

For those of you on Genesis, what do your recording and screen-capture settings look like? How long are you retraining your screen-captures, and what quality level are they set at?

I'm trying to get a bigger picture view on how people are managing their database size in the light of screen-captures and recordings being stored there.

From a very small sample, I'm seeing the vLogStreams table taking up 90% or more of the total database size. This worries me for a variety of reasons, but primarily due to it making database management that much more cumbersome.

Particularly, a full restoration could take many hours in the event of full-loss (like ransomware) and is heavily dependent on your screen-capture retention settings.

So seriously - hit reply and tell me how big your database is and how long you keep your recordings/screen-captures for! I'd love to get some more concrete numbers from production environments.