Now with pictures!
Office Hours and Scripting Session reminders are now easy-to-read pictures!
This week's edition is short and full of pictures. Please enjoy the brevity while I clear out our backlog and finish the 10,000-page novella I started on Amtelco billing (coming soon for your enjoyment?)
Office Hours
Before we get started, we have the usual weekly reminders: now – with pictures! Bring us your technical issues and we'll help you get unstuck.

Remember, we also troubleshoot/help with Amtelco Intelligent Series scripting during office hours!
Scripting Sessions
Repeat Thursday training bring another opportunity to learn Intelligent Series scripting from beginner to advanced.
New: During Scripting Sessions, you can also bring us any scripting issues you want or need help with for troubleshooting before training!

Next Week
We have some updates for next week's newsletter:
- Mission Control Dashboard - Bug Fixes for PeoplePraise, Board Check, and Agent Filtering
- Mission Control Dashboard - New feature for Inbound Email: Effortlessly save CSV file to your database
- Wormhole Documentation - We are moving the domain to (there's a branding lesson here)
- Videos and new portal migration - Emails will start going out to customers with instructions on accessing the updated portal (with videos)
Once these are out of the way, we'll get you that 10,000-page billing novella I promised.