Defense Readiness Condition
Back to a normal week?
At last, back to a more typical week after the Oklahoma heat and having the whole internet get CrowdStriked.

In the Call Theory universe, here's what's going on this week:
- Tuesday, July 23rd, 3pm Eastern - IT discussion and support for call centers (Office Hours)
- Thursday, July 25th, 12pm Eastern - Amtelco Intelligent Series scripting training (Scripting Sessions)
Scripting session topic – Intermediate II: Contact-Based Dispatch - On-Call
CrowdStrike is a verb?
Spending a few days in and around Fort Sill while Windows melted down made me think of the DEFCON system - I'd bet the CrowdStrike ordeal would be at least a DEF CON 4 alert state, right?
DEFCON4: Increased intelligence watch and strengthened security measures

The DEF CON conference is also next month for the security minded nerds out there. Speaking of which ...

Call Theory will be heading to DEF CON 32 in Las Vegas next month. As attendees; to learn.
I'm personally excited for:
- Telecom Village
- Crypto Privacy Village
- Lock Pick Village
- Sticker swap (because I love stickers if you didn't know)
Jay is a HAM radio geek, so I expect he'll be spending some time at the HAM Radio Village.
Basically we'll be learning how to be geekier geeks around physical, digital, enterprise, and personal privacy/security. Even CISA is going to be there!
This is your reminder that you need to help develop your staff - sending them to conferences is one of the best ways!
I can vouch from my own experience.
Then we can take what we learn and apply it to help secure call center telecom, infrastructure, and physical environments for our customers.